I find it heartening to hear the WTBTS in their round-about way admitting to having been wrong. Frankly what could they say? They have never got anything right in all one hundred and thirty six years of their Adventist existence. They can’t even apologise unconditionally.
Type and anti type is almost too intellectual for the desired breed of obedient zombie which the org now demands. In Russell’s day people understood biblical imagery as being prophetic. Back then for many, the Bible was the bread and butter of daily life, today it is mainly ignored.
Nevertheless the aim of the org is to continue to rake in the family inheritances and build their property portfolio to appear financially viable. After all there is no glory for the governing body members to be leading a bankrupt cult. So the first principle of the JWorg is money first and doctrine second.
I genuinely think that ex-JW (apostate) argument is filtering in to the governance of the WTBTS. They hear the criticisms from the disgruntled flock and the departees. Type and anti-type has had its day. They are equating simplicity with “true worship”. They like the sound of this, it is a new selling point in cult theology but by overturning their historical doctrines they ignore that they have nothing which they can point to which could show the leadership as being appointed specially by God. Why listen to them, they are just another crazy doomsday cult?